Sunday, May 24, 2009

Child-Like Faith

I have to admit that I've been struggling to feel a personal connection with Jesus these past few weeks for reasons I just can't articulate. I've been praying about it, really just asking God to help me feel His presence & His love for Brian, my family, & me. Honestly, the genuine plea of the father of a suffering child in Mark 9:24, "Lord, help my unbelief!," has just constantly been running through my mind.

These past few days, God has really answered this plea by showing His love through the outpouring of generosity of the women at my wonderful church in the surprise celebration of the any-day-now arrival of my daughter (Thank you all!) & the way he touched my son's heart as I have narrated for you below.

Also, as always I have to thank all of you not just for your support of my brother but for the entire family, mine included. Those of you sending notes of encouragement, etc. have no idea how much of a blessing there has been in your timing. Whether you meant to be or not, you were used to answer a prayer!

Anyway, yesterday Owen took a big spill chasing one of our poor dogs down the hall resulting in a big, fat, bloody, busted lip. After consoling my hysterical toddler, I went to start dinner while Owen & his dad crashed Matchbox trucks off of various household items. Here's the dialogue I'm told ensued:

O's Dad: When trucks fall, they don't get hurt. But people & animals can get hurt when they fall. Like Uncle Brian has a pretty bad "bump-bump."

O: Pray for Uncle Brian.

(O's Dad, slightly surprised as we do pray for Brian with Owen in most of his bedtime prayers but honestly it's been quite sometime, as in months, since either of us have prompted Owen about this specifically, proceeds to say a short prayer for Brian.)

O: (Nodding assuredly to his dad) Amen. Uncle Brian feel better.

O's Dad: (Walking into kitchen) Let's go tell Mommy what we just did.

Me: (Putting on my best I'm-so-excited-high-pitched voice while expecting, hoping for "pee-pee in the potty," quite honestly.) What did you do?

O: Pray for Uncle Brian. Uncle Brian feel better.

Wow. It was such a sincere moment, I felt my eyes well up with tears. I guess that's what the Bible means when we are told to have the faith of a child (Matthew 18:1-4). Who cares about that stupid potty anyway?

So, I'm not one looking for signs & wonders (Matthew 12:29), but I'm going to take this touching of my young son's heart as confirmation & answer to my prayer that Brian, life will get better.

Thanks to God & for how He uses so many of you in helping my unbelief!

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